Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Politics is SOOO Gay!

An acquaintance of my brother's, a member of the Kiryat Moshe Crowd to whom I shall refer as The Disgruntled Zionist, made an interesting statement. Here I quote verbatim from The Disgruntled Zionist, with a single caveat detailed post dictum: "If Hashem considers two male consenting adults doing each other up the pooper a toeva (abomination), what does he think of a government who anally rapes an entire community (read: Gush Katif)?" The single possible error in my rendering of this quote is whether DZ used the word "pooper" or "poop-chute". I do hope he will be forgiving of my imprecision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rachmana l'tzlan.