Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tasty Christians

Why has this rancorous canard proven so persistent? Haaretz published an interesting article on St. Simon of Trent, but my own comment on this is simply that those who believe it do so against all logic.  To be sure, if I were to become a cannibal blood in the matzah would be the last route I took.  When there is such bedlam over using tap water during Pesach for fear that chametz has entered into the system, over milk from cows who ate grains, how can I possibly use the blood of a child who surely ate his wheaties or, at the very least, his eucharist wafer.  The eucharist wafer, not to put to fine a talmudic point on it, might not actually be considered chametz if one is mekabel the shitta of transubstantiation.  However, if transubstantiation can only occur when a wafer of chametz is combined in the digestive tract of a christian with wine (most assuredly yayin nesech, which presents another difficulty) and then I get hanaah from using the Christian youth's blood in my own matzah... hmm.  Would it not be simpler to make a nice Shobbos cholent instead?

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